Principality of Sancratosia

Nationality Application

Sancratosia believes in the self-affirmation of gender identity.

Apply for nationality

Fill out this form to request Sancratosian nationality. Individuals must be aged 13 and over to apply.

To know more about the rights and privileges of Sancratosian nationals, please consult our Citizenship page. You are also invited to join the official Discord server of the Principality.

If you are applying for Sancratosian residency, visit our Residency application page. You do not need to apply for residency if you apply for nationality.

Sancratosian nationality is subject to an appreciation by the Ministry of State. You will be required to complete a citizenship questionnaire. It is not possible to immigrate in Sancratosia.

Applications can take several weeks to be processed.

You can contact the Ministry of State, responsible for the citizenship applications via email.

Ministry of State