Principality of Sancratosia


Contact the Government

Contact the Government for more information on this service.


Freedom of the press is important in Sancratosia and as such any Sancratosian citizen is allowed to operate a media within Sancratosia.

The government also provides its own media society, Difusa Sancratosia.

Despite its name the Jornal de Sancratosia is not a media but the official gazette of the Principality.

Difusa Sancratosia

Difusa Sancratosia is the state-owned media and broadcast society. It operates divisions in many media and broadcasting fields.

Radio Sancratosia

Radio Sancratosia is a planned english-speaking podcast hosted on Anchor FM.

La Ganso Coronada

La Ganso Coronada is an english-written newspaper hosted on Medium.

Prima Canal

Prima Canal is a planned english-speaking channel hosted on YouTube.

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