Principality of Sancratosia

Revised budget of the 2023 fiscal year

Revised budget of the 2023 fiscal year

Revised Budget

The provisional evolution registered between the Primitive Budget and the Revised Budget in 2023 is marked by a decrease in revenues and expenses of 30 760 Si.

Since the search for profits is not the goal of Sancratosia, the 2023 Budget is expected to have a surplus of 0 Si.

A. Revenues

Revenues are established at 30 760 Si and register a difference of -22.3%, amounting to a decrease of 6 865 Si from the Primitive Budget.

Section I. Products and revenues from the domain of the State

Revenues from Products and revenues from the domain of the State are established at 290 Si and amount to a decrease of 110 Si from the Primitive Budget.

Notably, there is a decrease of revenues from Monopolies of 110 Si.

Section II. Products and revenues from administrative services

Revenues from Products and revenues from administrative services are established at 100 Si and amount to a decrease of 400 Si from the Primitive Budget.

Section III. Contributions

Revenues from Contributions are established at 30 120 Si and amount to a decrease of 3 905 Si from the Primitive Budget.

Notably, there is a decrease of revenues from Commercial transactions of 2 450 Si.

B. Expenses

Expenses are established at 30 760 Si and register a difference of -22.3%, amounting to a decrease of 6 865 Si from the Primitive Budget.

Section I. Expenses of Sovereignty

Expenses from Expenses of Sovereignty are established at 5 200 Si and amount to a decrease of 1 300 Si from the Primitive Budget.

Notably, there is a decrease of expenses from the Sovereign Family of 1 000 Si and an increase of expenses from Awards (formerly Orders) of 500 Si.

Section II. Assemblies and Constitutional organs

Expenses from Assemblies and Constitutional organs are established at 50 Si and amount to a decrease of 50 Si from the Primitive Budget.

Section III. Means of Services

Expenses from Means of services are established at 2 970 Si and amount to a decrease of 3 705 Si from the Primitive Budget.

Notably, there is a decrease of expenses from the Ministry of State of 1410 Si, an increase of expenses of 185 Si from the Ministry of Society, a decrease of expenses from the Ministry of Finances of 210 Si, a decrease of expenses of 1 410 Si from the Ministry of Economy, a decrease of expenses of 920 Si from the Ministry of Territory and an increase of expenses of 60 Si from the Ministry of Foreign relations.

Section IV. Shared expenses

Expenses from Shared expenses are established at 1 850 Si and amount to a decrease of 1 450 Si from the Primitive Budget.

Notably, there is a decrease of expenses from the Supplies of 1 100 Si.

Section V. Public services

Expenses from Public services are established at 200 Si and amount to an increase of 150 Si from the Primitive Budget.

Section VI. Public interventions

Expenses from Public interventions are established at 5 710 Si and amount to a decrease of 290 Si from the Primitive Budget.

C. Investments

Investments are established at 15 000 Si and register a difference of 0%, amounting to the same amount as of the Primitive Budget.

Section VII. Equipment and Investments

Expenses from Equipment and investments are established at 15 000 Si and amount to the same amount from the Primitive Budget.

D. Surplus

The Revised Budget does not foresee any positive or negative surplus. The budget is balanced. According to the Constitution of Sancratosia, the Sovereign Family must be paid first on the revenues of the state and Sancratosia does not foresee revenues which should exceed the contribution made by the Sovereign Family in the first place.

In the unlikely case that Sancratosia is on the way to a deficit, the Sovereign Family will compensate the deficit by giving a higher contribution to the budget.

E. Special accounts of the Treasury

Sancratosia has not made any modification to the budget pertaining to its two special accounts of the Treasury. Each accounts are set up to be at 100 Si, with revenues of 200 Si each.

F. Responsibility

The Ministry of Finances is responsible for the fiscal administration in Sancratosia.

More detailed tables are available in the downloadable PDF file.