Repealed by Sovereign Ordinance no 49 of 24 March 2022.
The Principality of Sancratosia and the Imperial City of Vurmond, hereafter called “the countries”, in accordance with the principles of international law;
Agree to the following :
Recognize the sovereignty of the two countries and recognize their independence.
Both countries share a vision for mutual development and help each other in need.
The two countries may provide assistance if deemed necessary when each other’s dangers arise.
The two countries can help each other culturally and economically support each other and discuss development through it.
Both countries oppose and do not participate in micronational wars.
Both countries can recognize each other’s capabilities and provide support for mutual support exchanges.
The two countries can take the necessary steps to build friendship with each other.
The two countries may send ambassadors between countries.
The two countries can share the best policies to facilitate each other’s development and exchanges.
The state should give advance notice when the national symbol or government changes rapidly.
Both countries can share their plans for the future.
The two countries can complement each other’s technologies and exchange opinions.
The two countries are mutually exclusive, and the treaty is automatically abolished three months after the other party decides to revoke it.
Given in Our Princely Palace in Sancratosia on fourteen January two thousand twenty-two.