Principality of Sancratosia

Treaty Sancratosia–Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land

Treaty Sancratosia–Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land

Treaty between the Principality of Sancratosia and the Republic of Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land

The Principality of Sancratosia and the Republic of Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land, hereafter called “the Nations”, in accordance with the principles of international law;

Agree to the following :

Article 1.

This treaty states the official relations between the Nations and the mutual recognition as Sovereign and Free Micronations.

Article 2.

The Nations undertake to extend their corporate and cultural relations, supporting each other in foreign policy, unless there is a state of conflict based on the own fundamental principles.

Article 3.

Both Nations agree to publicly make this known on webpages, social media and (if applicable) in traditional media such as newspapers, TV and radio.

Article 4.

Both Nations acknowledge these relationships to be built on cooperation and perpetual peace between each State, and that the independent citizens of both Nations respect and recognize the sovereignty, laws and conventions of the other.

Article 5.

This treaty envisages the existence of mutually beneficial contacts and collaborations, development of bilateral dialogue in cultural, social and humanitarian fields. Agreements, stating the conditions of such contacts and collaborations, can be signed independently or as an addition to this treaty.

Article 6.

This treaty is signed for an unlimited period of time, but can be terminated by both parties’ agreement.

Article 7.

This treaty shall formally come into effect immediately after the treaty has been ratified by the governments of the two Nations and it can be dissolved by either Nation, with prior notification, not later than two weeks before the planned date of dissolution.

Given in Our Princely Palace in Sancratosia on fourteen April two thousand twenty-three.
