Principality of Sancratosia

Treaty Sancratosia-Toubak

Treaty Sancratosia-Toubak

Treaty between the Principality of Sancratosia and the Republic of Toubak

The Principality of Sancratosia and the Republic of Toubak, hereafter called “the Nations”, in accordance with the principles of international law;

Agree to the following :


Desiring to establish a relationship based on mutual respect, sovereignty, cordial understanding and mutual recognition;

Conscious of the importance of cooperation and mutual understanding between the two Nations;

Have agreed to the following provisions.

Article 1.

The Nations recognize and respect the sovereignty and each Nation. They undertake to refrain from any interference in the internal affairs of the other Nation.

The Nations recognize that each Nation has the right to freely determine its internal and external policies, in accordance with international law and the interests of its people.

Article 2.

The Nations undertake to maintain a cordial understanding and to promote friendly relations between the two Nations and their respective peoples.

The Nations will seek to promote cultural, artistic, sporting and scientific changes, as well as to promote mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue.

Article 3.

The Nations undertake to work towards mutual cooperation in areas of common interest, such as economy, trade, education, research, technology, environment and other areas of development.

The Nations will encourage partnership initiatives, joint projects and changes in expertise in the areas mentioned, with the aim of promoting sustainable and mutually beneficial development.

Article 4.

The Nations mutually recognize and accept the territorial integrity, internationally recognized boundaries and political systems of each state.

The Nations undertake to develop diplomatic relations and to establish appropriate diplomatic representations, including embassies, to strengthen bilateral communication and cooperation.

Article 5.

The Nations will establish a committee to jointly oversee the implementation of this Treaty. The committee will meet regularly to assess progress and discuss further measures to strengthen sovereignty, cordial accord, mutual understanding and bilateral recognition.

Article 6.

This Treaty comes into force on the date it is signed by duly authorized representatives of both Nations.

This Treaty remains in effect for an indefinite period.

Given in Our Princely Palace in Sancratosia on ten July two thousand twenty-three.
