Principality of Sancratosia

Treaty Sancratosia-Abenica

Treaty Sancratosia-Abenica

Treaty between the Principality of Sancratosia and the Republic of Abenica

Treaty on Mutual Recognition and Cultural Cooperation between the Principality of Sancratosia and the Republic of Abenica;

The Principality of Sancratosia and the Republic of Abenica, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”;

Considering the shared values of democracy, individual freedom and equality before the Law;

Considering their shared commitment to increase cultural production and values in defense of Human Rights;

Desiring to conclude an agreement to establish mutual recognition of the Parties;

Taking into account the enhancement of bilateral cooperation that will contribute to promote greater development and welfare in the Parties;

Agree to the following :

Article 1. Object and Scope of Application

The object of this Agreement is the mutual recognition between the Parties of the authorities, political regime, structure and legislation, resulting in the Parties mutually recognizing each other as sovereign countries, with independent existence.

Article 2. Territoriality and legislation

The Parties recognize and respect the territorial limits, national sovereignty, institutional legitimacy as well as their own laws and customs, based on the norms of International Law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Article 3. Bilateral cultural cooperation

The Parties undertake to establish embassies, with an official at the head, to deepen, coordinate and develop cultural actions and events for the benefit of the dissemination of the artistic creations of their citizens.

Article 4. External Cooperation

The Parties undertake to maintain, through their respective embassies, a channel of bilateral communication in the field of Foreign Affairs, in order to coordinate joint actions for the benefit of deepening bilateral relations and cooperating in the defense of democracy, individual freedoms and Human Rights throughout the world.

Article 5. Institutional neutrality

On the basis that the Parties are governed by democratic systems, they agree not to intervene in internal affairs such as changes of government or ideological currents, respecting institutional decisions, as long as they are based on democratic processes.

Article 6. Publicity of the Treaty

The Parties agree to make this Agreement public, as a sign of goodwill and mutual cooperation in diplomatic matters.

Article 7. Validity of the Agreement

The Parties agree that this Agreement shall be legally effective from the moment of its publication in the respective national official gazettes, provided that all sections of the Agreement are complied with, and provided that the bilateral communication channel is open and uninterrupted. In case of interruption of communications for a period exceeding 6 months, the Agreement may be suspended until contact is resumed.

Given in Our Princely Palace in Sancratosia on six January two thousand twenty-two.
