Principality of Sancratosia

2022 State of the Principality

2022 State of the Principality

Cara popla de Sancratosia,

Esta es la prima Stato de la Prinsia ce nos debe fa. Es un eserse difisil car la Prinsia de Sancratosia ia conose un prima anio plenida.

The highlight of this first year was of course the establishment of the Principality itself. From our Independence Day, which coincidently is tomorrow, until today, we have made what can be considered incredible steps to establish ourselves as a successful nation. We have developed relations with established nations around the world. This act, although seen as small by some people, bears a huge importance and comforts our decision to declare our independence. We have had some shortcomings with a few nations, but from these mistakes we have begun to build a stronger diplomatic and foreign policy which will provide a stability in the diplomatic relations of Sancratosia in the upcoming years.

La Principauté a aussi pu accéder à de prestigieuses organisations intermicronationales. Pensons à l’Association Postale Micronationale, la Fédération Olympique Micronationale, la Conférence de Santiago ou la Grand Unified Micronational ainsi que plusieurs autres. La Sancratosie s’ouvre sur le monde et est accueillie à bras ouverts par la communauté intermicronationale. J’attribue ce succès à notre attitude positive et professionnelle sur la scène internationale. Pour conclure sur ce sujet, j’ajouterais la fierté de la contribution de la Principauté aux efforts internationaux pour venir en soutien au peuple Ukrainien alors qu’il venait de subir la pleine force d’une invasion barbare de la part de la Russie.

La nomina de nos Ministro de Stato, Cristian Neuton, ia es un momento importante per la Prinsia. Su sua governa, la Prinsia ia conose la funda de nos Forte Publica. Esta projeta nova va es inspirante per la sitadanes sancratosian. Nos pregrasia la Ministro de Stato per sua contribui e sua ideas en la pertinente. Nos debe ance marca la contribui de nos Ministro de Sosia, Eujen Smit.

We have tried our best to engage our citizens. Our culture is diverse and aims to be replicated anywhere, or almost anywhere on the planet. We believe that the choices we have made make it possible for most people to identify with the Sancratosian culture. By growing chives in your garden, throwing a flying disc in the local park, or by observing the territorial attitude of Canada geese grazing the fields, our culture aims far and wide. We have also created opportunities with the virtual representation of our Municipality, the Discord server, or by ePorteta to find more ways to engage our citizens in the Principality. We understand that we are still far from perfection in these matters, but we believe that we are on the right track.

La Principauté a aussi participé à l’édition 2022 du très célèbre MicroCon. Cette conférence qui se déroulait à Las Vegas cette année et qui était organisée par Westarctica a permi à la Sancratosie de faire des rencontres avec des micronationalistes de partout en Amérique du Nord et même d’Europe. Des amitiés qui survivront l’épreuve du temps ont été forgées et la Sancratosie sera assurément des prochaines éditions du MicroCon. Entre temps, la Principauté a aussi tenu à rencontrer en personne les micronationalistes géolocalisées à proximité, soit le Neugraviat de Saint-Castin et l’Empire Aericain.

Nos ave la sertia ce la Prinsia de Sancratosia va conose multiple anios bela. Esta es sola un debua!

Cloe, by the will of the people, Sovereign Princess of Sancratosia