Principality of Sancratosia

Sovereign Ordinance no 90

Sovereign Ordinance no 90

Sovereign Ordinance no 90 of 15 September 2022 on the order of precedence in Sancratosia


Considering the Constitution of Sancratosia;

We order:

Article 1.

For ceremonies or official meetings, the authorities, public service members and agents of the State take place in the following order of precedence:

1. Sovereign Princess;

2. Members of the House of Sancratosia;

1. Consorts of Sancratosia;

2. Marquess of Aseros;

3. Duchess Maria II;

4. Lord Donald of Sancratosia;

5. Lord Nicola of Sancratosia;

6. Lord Mateo of Sancratosia;

3. President of the Government Council and Minister of State;

4. President of the National Council;

5. President of the Crown Council;

6. President of the State Council;

7. Secretary of State;

8. Members of the Princely Palace of Sancratosia;

1. Chief of Staff of the Sovereign Princess;

2. First Private Councillor of the Sovereign Princess;

3. Chamberlain of the Sovereign Princess;

4. Private Councillors and Plenipotentiary Ministers of the Sovereign Princess;

9. Members of the Government Council and Councillors-Ministers;

1. Councillor-Minister of Society;

2. Councillor-Minister of Finances;

3. Councillor-Minister of Economy;

4. Councillor-Minister of Territory;

5. Councillor-Minister of Foreign relations;

10. Representatives of foreign governments to Sancratosia;

11. Members of the National Council;

12. Members of the Crown Council;

13. Members of the State Council;

14. Ambassadors of Sancratosia;

1. Ambassadors-at-large;

2. Ambassadors to intermicronational organizations;

15. Mayor of Sancratosia;

16. Members of the Municipal Council;

17. President of the Supreme Court;

18. President of the Revision Court;

19. President of the Appeal Court;

20. Attorney General

21. Members of the Supreme Court;

22. Members of the Revision Court;

23. Members of the Appeal Court;

24. President of the General Court;

25. Members of the General Court;

26. Peace Judge

27. Commandant of the Public Force;

28. Commandant of the Public Security;

29. Commandants of the branches of the Public Force;

1. Commandant of the Company of the Princely Guards;

2. Commandant of the Brigade of the Princely Firefighters;

30. Presidents of the Permanent commissions; 

31. General directors of the Departments;

32. Chancellor and Members of State orders;

33. Chancellor and Members of Dynastic orders;

35. Notaries;

36. Lawyers and Lawyers-Defenders;

Article 2.

When the same person is titular of many the functions mentioned above, they take the rank associated with the highest function in the order of precedence.

Article 3.

The ambassadors, when they participate in official ceremonies, take the ranks and places, by order of accreditation date.

Article 4.

The ranks and the order of precedence cannot be delegated.

With the exception of the representatives of the Sovereign Princess or of the Minister of State, the representatives of an authority that assist to a public ceremony occupy, in the order of precedence, the rank which corresponds to their function and not the rank of the authority which they represent.

In their absence, the Minister of State can delegate, for their representation, a Councillor-Minister which then occupies that rank in the order of precedence.

By exception to the rule presented in the first paragraph, the Vice-President of the National Council, the Vice-President of the State Council or the Vice-Mayor, occupy the rank in the order of precedence of the authority that they represent.

Article 5.

When they are called to participate in official ceremonies, retired individuals to which honorific position of their function was conferred, take rank immediately after the titulars.

Given in Our Princely Palace in Sancratosia on fifteen September two thousand twenty-two.
