Principality of Sancratosia

Ministerial Decree no 2

Ministerial Decree no 1 of 16 May 2023 on the 2022 Census of the Principality of Sancratosia

Considering article 2 of the Sovereign Ordinance no 166 of 11 October 2023 on statistical measures;

Considering the Sovereign Ordinance no 167 of 11 October 2023 on the creation of the National Institute of Statistics;

Article 1.

Any statistical survey, carried out by the administrative authorities, must be authorized by the Minister of State who decides of its compulsory character, after consulting with the National Institute of Statistics.

Subject to the penalties foreseen in article 2 of the Sovereign Ordinance no 166 of 11 October 2023, hereby mentioned, any physical or moral person is required to answer and to communicate all information, when applicable, in the delays required, when the survey is mandatory.

Given in Council in Sancratosia on fourteen January two thousand twenty-four.

Minister of State
Cristian Neuton