Principality of Sancratosia

Honours Commission – Nominations in the Sancratosian Hall of Fame

Honours Commission – Nominations in the Sancratosian Hall of Fame

By recommendation of the Honours Commission.

Are nominated to become members of the Sancratosian Hall of Fame:

Chapter I. Arts

Article 1.

Are nominated in architecture :

  1. Ernest Cormier
  2. Mies van der Rohe
  3. Jean-Louis Beaulieu
  4. Oscar Niemeyer
  5. Wallace Harrison
  6. Paul Faucher
  7. Irving Morrow
  8. Liang Sicheng
  9. Rem Koolhaas
  10. Dominique Gallo, Jacques Catone & Antoine Grigho

Article 2.

Are nominated in sculpture :

  1. Charles Daudelin
  2. Jean-Paul Mousseau
  3. Pierre Granche
  4. Pierre Ayot
  5. Marcel Raby
  6. Claude Cormier
  7. Florentijn Hofman
  8. Klaus Scherübel
  9. Alfred Laliberté
  10. Germain Bergeron

Article 3.

Are nominated in painting :

  1. Paul-Émile Borduas
  2. Alfred Pellan
  3. Huguette Desjardins
  4. Claude Guité
  5. Orazio de Ferrari
  6. Gregorio de Ferrari
  7. Reynald Piché
  8. Albert Dumouchel
  9. Marc-Aurèle de Foy Suzor-Coté
  10. Marc-Aurèle Fortin

Article 4.

Are nominated in literature :

  1. Dan Brown
  2. Roald Dahl
  3. Louis Notari
  4. Claude Gauvreau
  5. Gérald Godin
  6. William Ernest Henley
  7. Robert Anson Heinlein
  8. Arthur C. Clarke
  9. Isaac Asimov
  10. Marie-Caroline Watson Hamlin & Honoré Beaugrand

Article 5.

Are nominated in music :

  1. Les Cowboys Fringants
  2. Richard Desjardins
  3. David Arnold & Michael Price
  4. Karim Ouellet
  5. Graeme Norgate
  6. The Beatles
  7. René Dupéré
  8. Wendy Carlos
  9. Spice Girls
  10. Tears for Fears

Article 6.

Are nominated in performance arts :

  1. Franco Dragone
  2. Justin Willman
  3. Arturo Brachetti
  4. David Copperfield
  5. Robert Gravel & Yvon Leduc
  6. André Sauvé
  7. André-Philippe Gagnon
  8. Pierre Légaré
  9. Michel Courtemanche
  10. Les Chick’n Swell

Article 7.

Are nominated in cinema :

  1. Tommy Wiseau
  2. Steve Coogan
  3. Stanley Kubrick
  4. James Cameron
  5. Paul Verhoven
  6. Chris Columbus
  7. Robert Zemeckis
  8. Godfrey Reggio
  9. Ron Howard
  10. Brad Bird

Article 8.

Are nominated in television :

  1. Rowan Atkinson
  2. La Petite Vie
  3. Vince Gilligan
  4. Firefly
  5. Dans une galaxie près de chez vous
  6. Doctor Who
  7. John Oliver
  8. Peter Morgan
  9. Lily Tomlin
  10. Charlie Brooker

Article 9.

Are nominated in graphics :

  1. Mike Abbink
  2. Paul Renner
  3. Herb Lubalin
  4. Paul D. Hunt
  5. Lukasz Dziedzic
  6. Julieta Ulanovsky
  7. John Baskerville
  8. Hans Reichel
  9. Steve Matteson
  10. Donald Meeker, James Montalbano, Christopher O’Hara & Harriet Spear

Article 10.

Are nominated in design :

  1. Cyrille Duquet
  2. Marcello Nizzoli
  3. Jacques-Eugène Armengaud
  4. Raymond Loewy
  5. Richard Teague
  6. Charles Eames & Ray Eames
  7. Luigi Colani
  8. Phil Gibbon
  9. Richard Danne & Bruce Blackburn
  10. Jim Donoahue

Article 11.

Are nominated in cartoons :

  1. Serge Chapleau
  2. Robert LaPalme
  3. Judith Bricault Klein
  4. Réal Godbout
  5. Matt Groening
  6. Marjane Satrapi
  7. Bob De Groot & Philippe Liégeois
  8. André Franquin
  9. René Goscinny & Albert Uderzo
  10. Louis Salvérius & Raoul Cauvin

Article 12.

Are nominated in cooking :

  1. Nigella Lawson
  2. Jamie Oliver
  3. Daniel Vézina
  4. Rosemary Shrager
  5. Jacques Torres
  6. Adriano Zumbo
  7. Norman Van Aken
  8. Wolfgang Puck
  9. Hervé This & Nicholas Kurti
  10. Marie-Antoine Carême

Chapter II. Sports

Article 13.

Are nominated in olympics :

  1. Demetrius Vikelas
  2. Mark Tewksbury
  3. Jean-Luc Brassard
  4. Robert Steadward
  5. Stéphane Préfontaine & Sandra Henderson
  6. Emil Zátopek
  7. Roger Rousseau
  8. Pita Taufatofua
  9. Sébastien Gattuso
  10. Patrice Servelle

Article 14.

Are nominated in hockey :

  1. Ted Lindsay
  2. Nicklas Lidström
  3. Ken Holland
  4. Mark Messier
  5. Vladislav Tretiak
  6. Valeri Kharlamov
  7. Paul Henderson
  8. Marie-Philip Poulin
  9. Maurice Richard & Henri Richard
  10. Jacques Demers

Article 15.

Are nominated in cricket :

  1. Mahendra Singh Dhoni
  2. Lasith Malinga
  3. Marais Erasmus
  4. Ben Stokes
  5. Brendon McCullum
  6. Rohit Sharma
  7. Viv Richards
  8. James Anderson
  9. Graeme Smith
  10. Clive Lloyd

Article 16.

Are nominated in miscellaneous :

  1. Tony Hawk
  2. Howard Staunton
  3. Carl Carmoni
  4. Wilhelm Steinitz
  5. Bobby Fisher
  6. Jeff Knurek
  7. Laurent Duvernay-Tardif
  8. Peyton Manning & Eli Manning
  9. Colin Kaepernick
  10. Vince Lombardi

Chapter III. Natural sciences

Article 17.

Are nominated in biology :

  1. Robert Brown
  2. Marie-Victorin Kirouac
  3. August Weismann
  4. Carl Linnaeus
  5. Hildegard of Bingen
  6. Gaius Plinius “Pliny the Elder” Secundus
  7. Otto Brunfels
  8. Frederik Ruysch
  9. Georges-Louis Lecler
  10. Alfred Russel Wallace

Article 18.

Are nominated in chemistry :

  1. George Quam
  2. John Gladstone
  3. Alexandre-Émile Béguyer de Chancourtois
  4. Roy Alexander
  5. Otto Theodor Benfrey
  6. Friedrich August Kekulé von Stradonitz
  7. Louis-Bernard Guyton de Morveau
  8. William Ramsay & Morris William Travers
  9. Carl Wilhelm Scheele
  10. Robert Bunsen

Article 19.

Are nominated in physics :

  1. James Clerk Maxwell
  2. Max Planck
  3. Roger Penrose
  4. William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin
  5. Edward Teller
  6. J. Robert Oppenheimer
  7. Ernest O. Lawrence
  8. Emilio Segrè
  9. Yuri Oganessian
  10. Albert Ghiorso

Article 20.

Are nominated in astronomy :

  1. Annie Jump Cannon & Edward C. Pickering
  2. Marc Garneau
  3. Valentina Tereshkova
  4. William Wilson Morgan, Philip Childs Keenan & Edith Kellman
  5. Angelo Secchi
  6. John Herbert Chapman
  7. Frank Drake, Richard Isaacman, Linda May & James C. G. Walker
  8. Jerry R. Ehman
  9. Michael H. Hart
  10. Hubert Reeves

Article 21.

Are nominated in mathematics :

  1. John Conway
  2. Claude Shannon
  3. Bertrand Russell
  4. Kurt Gödel
  5. Carl Friedrich Gauss
  6. Henri Poincaré
  7. Lothar Collatz
  8. Paul Erdös
  9. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  10. Thales of Miletus

Chapter IV. Applied Sciences

Artice 22.

Are nominated in medicine :

  1. William B. Cowley
  2. Armand Frappier
  3. Hans Andersag
  4. Charles Marie de La Condamine
  5. Hilary Koprowski
  6. Alexander Flemming
  7. Maurice Hilleman
  8. John Snow
  9. Wilder Penfield & Brenda Milner
  10. Jeanne Mance

Article 23.

Are nominated in engineering :

  1. Karl Freiherr von Drais
  2. Frank J. Sprague
  3. John Boyd Dunlop
  4. Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville
  5. Emile Berliner
  6. Garrett Brown
  7. Shuji Nakamura
  8. Maurice Martenot
  9. Jack Kilby
  10. Ivan Sutherland, Douglas Engelbart & David Canfield Smith

Chapter V. Social Sciences

Article 24.

Are nominated in economics :

  1. Henry George
  2. Arthur Cecil Pigou
  3. Nicholas Barbon
  4. John Law
  5. William Paterson
  6. Alexander Hamilton
  7. Johan Palmstruch
  8. Vilfredo Pareto
  9. Joseph Stiglitz
  10. David Ricardo

Article 25.

Are nominated in education :

  1. Betty Dodson
  2. Colin Gregory Palmer Grey
  3. Claude Allègre, Luigi Berlinguer, Tessa Blackstone & Jürgen Rüttgers
  4. King Philip II of France
  5. King Henry II of England
  6. Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarosa
  7. Irnerius
  8. Pepo
  9. Robert Hutchins & Mortimer Adler
  10. Maria Montessori

Article 26.

Are nominated in geography :

  1. Henry Hudson
  2. Pierre-Esprit Radisson & Médard des Groseilliers
  3. Simon Fraser
  4. David Thompson
  5. Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de La Vérendrye
  6. Henry Kelsey
  7. Thanadelthur
  8. Samuel Hearne
  9. Étienne Brûlé
  10. Amerigo Vespucci

Article 27.

Are nominated in law :

  1. Solon of Athens
  2. Sextus Pomponius
  3. Marcus Tullius Cicero
  4. Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu
  5. Bulgarus, Martinus Gosia, Jacobus de Boragine & Hugo de Porta Ravennate
  6. Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine
  7. William Blackstone
  8. Thomas More
  9. Henry Maine
  10. René David

Article 28.

Are nominated in linguistics :

  1. Paul Passy & Otto Jespersen
  2. Daniel Jones
  3. Peter Ladefoged
  4. Louis Barral & Suzanne Simone
  5. Louis Frolla
  6. Jules Desrosiers
  7. Colette Dubuisson
  8. Jean Pirro
  9. Anne-Marie Parisot
  10. Giuseppe Peano

Article 29.

Are nominated in politics :

  1. René Lévesque
  2. Charles-Michel d’Irumberry de Salaberry & Charles de la Boische, marquis de Beauharnois
  3. Pauline Marois
  4. André d’Allemagne, Marcel Chaput, Guy Pouliot, Andrée Ferretti & Pierre Bourgault
  5. André Laurendeau
  6. Albert Lemieux & Maxime Raymond
  7. Louise Fréchette
  8. René Chaloult
  9. Abraham Lincoln
  10. Brigitte Boccone-Pagès

Article 30.

Are nominated in sociology :

  1. Hans Jürgen Eysenck
  2. Milton Rokeach
  3. Ronald Inglehart & Christian Welzel
  4. Jeff Greenberg & Eva Jonas
  5. Wayne Brittenden
  6. Ulrich Beck
  7. Zethu Matebeni
  8. Viviane Namaste
  9. Harriet Martineau
  10. Thorstein Bunde Veblen

Article 31.

Are nominated in philosophy :

  1. Marcus Aurelius
  2. Madeleine Parent
  3. Michel Chartrand
  4. Léa Roback
  5. Idola Saint-Jean
  6. Charles Bradlaugh
  7. George Holyoake
  8. Betty Friedan
  9. Kimberlé Crenshaw
  10. Gloria Jean Watkins

Article 32.

Are nominated in psychology :

  1. Sigmund Freud
  2. Hermann Rorschach
  3. Katharine Cook Briggs & Isabel Briggs Myers
  4. Philip Zimbardo
  5. Stanley Milgram
  6. William Stern
  7. Alfred Binet & Théodore Simon
  8. David Wechsler
  9. Gustave Le Bon
  10. Carl Jung

Chapter VI. Miscellaneous

Article 33.

Are nominated in commerce :

  1. Rolland Jeanneau
  2. Mike Ilitch
  3. Adolf Dassler
  4. Namihei Odaira
  5. Rhys T. Eyton
  6. Jim “Miami” Beach
  7. Amar Bose
  8. Édouard Michelin & André Michelin
  9. Owen D. Young
  10. Marquis Mills Converse

Article 34.

Are nominated in urbanism :

  1. Blaise Pascal
  2. George Stephenson
  3. John G. Stephenson
  4. Charles Pearson
  5. Manuel da Maia & Eugénio dos Santos de Carvalho
  6. Jane Jacobs
  7. Daniel Hudson Burnham
  8. Andrés Duany & Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk
  9. Jacquelin T. Robertson & Robert A. M. Stern
  10. Robert Moses

Article 35.

Are nominated in monarchism :

  1. Prince Albert II of Monaco
  2. King George VI of the United Kingdom
  3. Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands
  4. Prince Honoré II of Monaco
  5. Emperor Charlemagne of France
  6. King Louis XIV of France
  7. Emperor Napoléon III of France
  8. Emperor Caesar Nerva Traianus of Rome
  9. King João IV of Portugal
  10. Prince Maurits of the Netherlands

Sancratosia, 1 January 2024