Principality of Sancratosia

Message to the nation from the Princess on New Year’s Day 2023

Message to the nation from the Princess on New Year’s Day 2023

Dear people of Sancratosia,

2023 was yet again a full year for Sancratosia.

First, Sancratosia continued its , notably by participating at MicroCon 2022. It was also the year where we saw our nation become a member of the Grand Unified Micronational, one of the most respected and established intermicronational organisation in the world. Achieving all of this in just our first year of existence has proven that Sancratosia has all the tools to achieve its dreams and will thrive in the upcoming years.

We also saw a growth in the number of our citizens. Now standing at 48, we are grateful that each and everyone of you decided to support and become a part of our nation. We also saw some activity in our government with the nominations of two members of the Government Council. We would like to personally thank our Minister of State, Cristian Neuton and our Minister of Society, Eujen Smit for their contributions. We hope that more people will join you in 2023 so we can benefit from your full potential.

2023 will be a year of consolidation. A year where we oversee what we have done in the past year and improve on that.

It’s, yet again, an important year for the micronational community with not only one but two Microcons, planned to happen this summer.

2023 will be a year globally marked by the terrible invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the skyrocketing inflation and the still ongoing fight against climate change. We hope that everyone with the power to enact change will do everything in their power to resolve the issues at hand so we can move forward, toward a better future.

Happy year two thousand twenty-three.

Cloe, by the will of the people, Sovereign Princess of Sancratosia

Message to the nation

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Picture of Sovereign Family of Sancratosia

Sovereign Family of Sancratosia

Sovereign Family of the Principality of Sancratosia