Principality of Sancratosia

Treaty Sancratosia-Carnovia

Treaty Sancratosia-Carnovia

Treaty between the Principality of Sancratosia and the Principality of Carnovia

Treaty for the Arrangement of Diplomatic Relations between the Signatory States

The Principality of Sancratosia and the Principality of Carnovia, hereafter called “the parties”, in accordance with the principles of international law;

Agree to the following :


The states of the Principality of Carnovia and the Principality of Sancratosia have decided to take the initiative to establish diplomatic relations with the full right to mutual recognition as a sovereign state entity. Both parties undertake to maintain and respect the political apparatus of both parties and their legal environment. With this treaty, the Principality of Carnovia formally recognizes the Principality of Sancratosia as a sovereign nation, and vice versa. At the same time, both sides undertake to resolve possible conflicts through diplomatic debate, thus maintaining a fragile peace.

Article 1.

The Principality of Carnovia and Principality of Sancratosia mutually respect the political systems and state apparatus of the signatory states. They undertake not to interfere in internal affairs unless absolutely necessary, which is considered to be a threat to statehood (the intervention state must give its consent to intervention).

Article 2.

Both countries are recognized as sovereign nations on the basis of the free right to self-determination.

Article 3.

The priority of the signatory states is to maintain peace in their territories, so it is unacceptable for one of the signatory states to support or support the efforts of enemy troops or terrorist organizations.

Article 4.

Signatory states may, upon further agreement, share research, trade agreements, exchange currencies and passports, and other items.

Article 5.

The treaty enters into force on the day of its signing and is subject to ratification.

Given in Our Princely Palace in Sancratosia on five March two thousand twenty-two.
