Principality of Sancratosia

La Ganso Coronada moves to

The new home page of La Ganso Coronada.
The government of Sancratosia rolls out mini websites on its platform with La Ganso Coronada.

Sancratosia’s state-owned newspaper, La Ganso Coronada, moves today from its previous publishing platform, Medium, to a mini-website hosted on the official website of the Principality of Sancratosia,

This move will allow the journal to present its articles in a more structured manner and to move away from the blog structure present over at Medium.

Hopefully, this will also mean that more articles will be published in the future. The platform is indeed more interesting to use and allows for more customization and the use of the full potential of the widgets present on the hosting website.

The only inconvenience is the use of the URL associated with the government. This present the disadvantage of associating the journal to the government even more. But, rest assured, the independency of the journal from the government shall remain and our editorial guidelines shall reflect that.

All the team at La Ganso Coronada is happy with the move and can’t wait to bring you more articles. is the official website of the Principality of Sancratosia.