We Promulgate this present law, that the National Council adopted in its session of 28 March 2023;
Textual, illustrated, sound, audiovisual or multimedia documents, regardless of their material support and the process ensuring their communication, produced, in whole or in part, in the Principality, must be subject to a mandatory deposit, called legal deposit, as soon as they are made available to the public.
Legal deposit is organized for the purpose of allowing:
– the collection and the preservation of documents mentioned in the previous article;
– the constitution and the diffusion of national bibliographies;
– the consultation of deposited documents, under reserve of secrets protected by law, in the conditions in conformity with the legislation on the intellectual property and compatible with their preservation.
The collected documents constitute a national collection, element of the heritage of the State. They may only be used for the realization of the objectives defined in the preceding paragraph.
Are not subjected to the obligation of deposit the documents outside of the categories foreseen in article 1, of which the collection and the preservation does not represent a sufficient interest in regard to the objectives defined in article 2. The list of these documents is fixed by Sovereign Ordinance.
On proposition of the depository body instituted in article 6 or recommendation of the State Committee on Legal Deposit instituted in article 8, the Minister of State may nevertheless prescribe by motivated decision the legal deposit of such documents.
Under reservations of the dispositions of the preceding article, are jointly required to the legal deposit, the physical or moral persons, of public or private right:
1. who publish or co-publish or, by default, produce or co-produce, in whole or in part, in the Principality, the documents mentioned in article 1;
2. who print in the Principality the textual or illustrated documents mentioned in article 1;
3. who realize in the Principality, in whole or in part, the documents mentioned in article 1 or, by default, who orders them.
When none of the persons mentioned in the previous paragraph is established in the Principality, are subject to the legal deposit, jointly with these persons, the physical or moral persons established in the Principality and titular of the moral or economical rights on the concerned documents.
The registrants must keep an up to date registry, by number of order, of the documents they deposit.
The documents others than those foreseen in article 1 can, after advice of the State Committee on Legal Deposit, be the object of a voluntary deposit with the depository body mentioned in article 6, provided that their preservation presents an interest for the national heritage.
The preservation and the consultation of these documents must be made in conditions in conformity with the legislation on the intellectual property.
Deposit is made with a single depository body, designated by Sovereign Ordinance.
The depository body is responsible for the legal deposit that it manages on behalf of the State in the conditions foreseen by Sovereign Ordinance.
It accomplishes the missions defined in article 2 and ensures the restoration of the documents given in deposit. It can however delegate to one or many other bodies the mission of preservation, of consultation or of restoration of some of the said documents.
A Sovereign Ordinance determines the modalities of the deposit and, particularly, the delays in which it must happen, the number of copies to deposit as well as the proof of deposit and the number to be affixed on the deposited documents.
A State Committee on Legal Deposit is instituted for the purpose of ensuring the cultural and scientific coherence of the collection.
Within the framework of this mission, the State Committee formulates all recommendations or propositions that it transmits to the Minister of State. The latter may consult it on any question pertaining to the legal deposit.
The composition and the functioning of the State Committee are fixed by Sovereign Ordinance.
The present law is promulgated and executed as a law of the State.
The Government Council is responsible of its publication in the Jornal de Sancratosia.
Promulgated in Our Princely Palace in Sancratosia on twenty-nine March two thousand twenty-three.